Integrated Circuits (ic Chips)
Integrated circuits combine a large number of transistors and other elementary electronic components in miniaturized form into a single physical device, that is designed for a specific purpose or function and characterized by its performance of that function rather than by the behavior of its component pieces. Examples include microcontrollers, battery monitors and charge controllers, analog to digital converters, operational amplifiers, logic gates, voltage regulators, gate drivers, motor controllers, and others.
Parts Found
Product | Pricing (USD) Inquiry - + | Manufacturer Microchip Technology | Description IC XPNDR 1.7MHZ I2C 28SDIP | Package / | RoHS Status |
Product | Pricing (USD) Inquiry - + | Manufacturer Nuvoton | Description IC MCU 8BIT 18KB FLASH 20TSSOP | Package Tube | RoHS Status |
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